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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

cajun cookin'

i can't remember the last time i had cajun food but i know it was years ago at a restaurant downtown while on a date with c. well this past sunday, i had my fill!

i attended my girlfriend bonnie's bridal shower, and to help her prepare for her honeymoon (jazzfest in st. lucia) her sister threw her a little jazzfest bridal shower at chateau orleans.  this is an amazing restaurant right here in pacific beach. once again, i managed to overlook a restaurant that is just a few blocks away.  apparently, it's been around forever and don't advertise much because they don't need to.

there were about 20 of us and we ate LOTS of tasty (and heavy) southern style food, enjoyed watermelon wine, laughed alot and even played a great bridal shower game. i can't say i've played many great ones in my lifetime.  here's how this one worked: we were all asked to write down a question for the bride-to-be that had to do with her fiance, marty. not only did we have to write a question, but we had to know the answer to it as well, and write it down. her sister collected all the cards and started asking bonnie (bons) the questions.  the guests also played - our task was to guess whether or not bonnie would know the answer to each question.

because i met marty 'pre' bonnie, i had lots of stories to pull from. my question asked bonnie to name our mascot that we took with us on several roadtrips across the boarder (mexico).  i gave her a hint - an animal.  this 'animal' was really a plastic black rat that marty would tape it to the hood of this car on our roadtrips. eventually it flew off the car and that was the end of 'rato negro (black rat in spanish). *laugh*.  you had to be there to fully appreciate it - those trips were fun long before we got to our destination.  i go back years with marty and the 'pb gang' as we call ourselves. so many good memories!  at the end of the game, we had shared lots of laughs and learned alot of things about marty.

here's the only picture i snapped on sunday.  bonnie (the bride-to-be) is on the left, with her sister rene (the hostess).  great party girls!! 

i'm really looking forward to the wedding celebration - april 17th!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.