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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a leprechaun is loose in room 3

happy st. patty's day!!

i hope you are wearing green today folks!  i was sure to set out green t-shirts for the little guys this morning to ensure they didn't get pinched. i'm hoping scout doesn't have to worry about that yet, but i bet those kindergarteners don't hold back in the least! *grin* 

moving on to the leprechaun booby trap project.  finn came home from school last week announcing a leprechaun was loose in his kindergarten room and has been causing all sorts of mischief. his teacher says this happens once a year as st. patrick's day approaches. her chair is knocked over when she arrives to class in the mornings, and she finds things in disarray - ALL acts of this mischevious leprechaun.

the kid's homework assignement this past weekend - to create a 'booby trap' to capture this tiny green person. when i was out having my hair done (i'm a brighter blonde), the boys brainstormed and came up with a cool trap. scoutie even helped with it. to create this trap they pulled together: a green sandbucket, leaves and branches from our backyard tree, a piece of cardboard, and green spray paint. simple but so clever.

finn is very proud of it.  well, see for yourself. 

i'm anxious to learn if the class gets this little green guy and which student's traps gets him. *smile*
i will report back on this tomorrow.

i almost forgot to mention our first movie night of the year was held this past saturday night. we had all been looking forward to it for weeks.  finn's entire kindergarten class and their families were invited to join us in the backyard.  the final count was 26 and most of the families that came live right here at the beach.  the feature movie was ponyo and was a hit with the kids. it sucked them in and allowed those adults who weren't watching the movie to mingle and drink a little wine in the cottage. we are all looking forward to the next one and if i plan ahead, i'd love for jessica to help with some of the little decor/labels.  
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.