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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

things i ♥ thursdays

i ♥ clementines
they are delicious
perfect for a sweet and healthy treat.
i have to limit myself to no more than two a day.
i wonder if these fruits are always in season?
the 'cutie' brand seems to be in stores year round.

i ♥ going to bootcamp
also called 'bootie camp' by finn
these classes are extremely popular here in southern california
the workouts are tough but the best part, they are OUTSIDE.
yep, you read correctly. why not - the weather is always right for it.
right now i'm attending the wired fitness classes held in mission bay.
their tagline is workout without walls.  i love it!
i'd take it over a gym any day. especially after living in fl and az where
i had to work out inside for several months out of the year.

i ♥ old houses
it's not just because they've been standing a long time,
but i like that so many old homes seem to have 'stories' to tell.  
i also associate charming details with old houses and this is what i especially love.
built-ins, real hardwood floors, fireplaces, big wide front porches and thick moldings.
some builders are trying to recreate new 'old' homes.
some do an ok job, but the majority i've seen, pale in comparison to the homes of the past.
i wonder if it's due to cost and possibly lack of good craftsman? but my guess is cost.
i imagine it's alot cheaper to throw up tract home.

my dream home would be a completely renovated 'old' home (over 100 years old)
from the pricetags i've seen for these, i don't think this will ever be my reality. i can dream...
below is a 'new' old home that is for sale in the college park area of florida.
a realtor sent to me for some reasons.  it's only $575k. *grin*
i love the color, the exterior siding, the proportions and the detached garage.  
wish their were pictures of the interior. i wonder if it has charming details inside?
if you enjoy old houses too, take a peek at this website.

i ♥ my cell phone ear bud
and really should have had purchased one years ago.
driving while holding a cell phone is against the law here in ca, and
though the prius has bluetooth, i'm not always in that car when talking
so for christmas, c surprised me with an ear bud in my stocking.
it's been the most practical and wonderful gift i received.
i use it every time i talk for more than a few seconds - when i drive, am shopping,
walking around the block as scoutie rides his trike in front of me, etc.
it's safe easy, comfortable and i won't get a ticket when i'm using it.*yay*
i love love love it!

i almost forgot to include the update on the leprechaun that was lose in finn's class.
when i arrived home from work, i met a very excited kid who was ready to tell me everything that happened in class.  he said NO ONE's trap caught the leprochaun yesterday.  there were green footprints throughout the room and gold was taken from several of the booby traps but "because leprechaun's are magical, he didn't get caught." so there you have it - finn's st. patty's day adventure. 

i was hoping for an ending like this - one that left the kids full of wonder and full of hope. keeping a little magic alive in my boys (santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy, etc) is really important  to me and i'll encourage it for as long as i can.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.