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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

things i ♥ thursdays

i ♥ wishbone salad dressings
they have recipes right on the back of the bottle
that are super easy and so yummy.  my s-i-l anissa
introduced me to the one on the back of the rasberry walnut
vinaigarette bottle and it's my favorite right now. here's the
receipe: baby spinach, red onions, toasted walnuts, mandarin oranges
and goat cheese - something i can't get enough of these days.
i'll save this obsession for another thursday post.

i ♥ bubbles
not bubble gum bubbles but the soapy bubbles
that float up to the sky so pretty. im childlike this way.
the simple act of waving a wand and watching bubbles
float along relaxes me and is so much fun. i love it as much as the boys.
since spring is officially here, i had a perfect excuse to schedule
a bubble playdate.  yep, i just sent an evite out to lots of mommy
friends inviting them over for a 'backyard bubble playdate'.
should be fun. i so wish finn and scout's cousins lived closer so we
could have playdates together. we miss them so...

i ♥ to travel
everything about it is exciting to me.
meeting new people, trying new foods, speaking a new
language, the different culture, the architecture, etc.
if i could swing it, i'd take off and just travel the
world right now (with the boys of course).
but since that's not possible, i look forward to
a little trip abroad every year or two if we can swing it.
the mexico trip is just around the corner now - 12 days away.
it can't come soon enough! i need a little rest and relaxation with
the special boys in my life.

i ♥ the shootsac
it's a camera bag but is much more fashionable and functional
than traditional camera bags.  you can even change up the covers.
i've had my eye on it for years - literally.
i could never could justify purchasing it because
i have a samsonite camera bag that worked just fine.
it's not as pretty - actually rather plain, but it worked.
now i have an additional lens (a 50mm c bought me last year) and
with the body and two lenses they don't fit in my existing bag well.
i need more space so maybe, just maybe this will be a birthday gift?

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.