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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

art from the heart

art from the heart is the name of explorer elementary's annual fundraiser.
this is the biggest event of the year and it was held this past saturday night.
those parents of older kids who've attended over the years had told me this is 'not to be missed' and they weren't kidding - what an amazing evening!

there was plenty of food (served by high tech high students) and the wine flowed.  all the parents were out in full force to help the school and everyone was just happy to be part of the event.

the fundraising included both a silent and a live auction.  the silent auction offered over 600 items - everything from being 'coach'  for the day, to dinners, trips (local and all over the world), spa packages, jewelry, dance classes, the list seemed endless.  though we bid on over 20 items, we were outbid alot and ended up winning just 3: chiropractic services for christopher, 3 months of bootcamp for me and swim lessons for scoutie.  *yay*

the live auction was the most fun - lots of energy and lots of noise!  each class had made a piece of art and which was auctioned off by a great mc.  finn's room created an ocean themed table using gyotaku prints of fish they were studying.  gyotaku is a traditional form of japanese fish print that dates back to the 1800s. (i took this right out of the program - ha).  the bid started at $500 and i think it was sold for $950.  other framed pieces went as high as $2200! CRAZY but it was all  for a great cause - explorer elementary. i wish i had some pictures to share but i purposefully didn't bring my camera so i could just mingle and enjoy the night. there were photographers there and as soon as i can get photos of the art, i will share.  check back in a week or so.

i have to close by saying the passion these parent's have for this school is absolutely amazing!  the entire event was put on by the parent council and i know it took months and endless hours to prepare.  the more i learn about explorer and participate in events it offers, i'm reminded of how fortunate we are to have finn at this school. he (and we) are growing together.  it feels good to be part of something so special.

art from the heart is an event i will be sure to attend every year - i won't miss it! 

~ a big thanks to maddy (and her friend caylie) who came over and watched the boys until almost midnight. the boys had a great time and enjoyed the giant bubbles you girls blew for 'em.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.