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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

things i ♥ thursdays

i ♥ sundresses
with spring officially here and a tropical trip around the corner
i pulled out my stash of sundresses to pack and am anxious to wear them.
when i put one on, i almost instantly feel more relaxed.
another plus, i can fit lots into my suitcase without taking up too much room.
i'd love to add one or two new dresses to my collection this spring/summer.
i found this one on zappos that is cute. i love the color.

i ♥ old friends. new friends are wonderful and keep things fresh,
but there's nothing like those who have gone the distance with you
have been with you through lots of stages of your life, and you them.
they are like warm fuzzy blankets - cozy and comfortable.
it's reassuring to know they have been there, are there and
will be there down the road.  i cherish them and need to be better
at letting them know this.

i ♥ warm water
a few nights ago i dreamed i was surfing and it
must have been in warm water because there was no
wetsuit in my dream and i don't remember being cold.
i was just sitting on on my board out in the ocean
watching the waves on the horizion.  i didn't actually
catch a wave but i'm sure i was about to. mexico's water
temps are much warmer than so californias so i'm super
excited about getting in the ocean. it's the only time i can
just be out there for long stretches without going numb.
3 more days now (i'm counting). with any luck, maybe i'll be
able to do catch a few good waves like this surfergirl.

i ♥ chocolate
years ago i had self control when it came to chocolate
i remember a boyfriend in high school giving me a pretty red box
full of chocolates for valentine's day and i thought 'ugh so cliche'.
i'd never do that now. *grin*. i love the stuff and have an appreciation
of it - especially the 'good chocolate'. char and shan both spoiled me
by giving some of their favorites from eclipse for my birthday last pm.
i was warned too much of it might induce a chocolate coma.
she wasn't kidding. this chocolate is amazing!!!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.