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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, April 16, 2010

the celebration continues

all good things come to an end and i was feeling a little out of sorts when we arrived home from our vacation  on tuesday evening. it was dinner time, we were all hungry and exhausted from flying all day and my work emails had piled up. *ugh* we were back to the real world and we were all rather cranky.

as i got out of the taxi and turned towards the house, i saw a box from proflowers at the front door. 
i smiled and thought 'for me'?  the boys love packages as much as i do and scoutie thinks everything that comes is for him.  he screamed "a present for me".

well, it was actually for ME for a chance. opened the box together and found a beautiful tulip bouquet and a pretty box of chocolates. most of the flowers were still closed which reassured me they must have been delivered that afternoon.  they were from my wonderful m-i-l and  coming home to these pretties, made coming home not so bad afterall.

here's a picture of the lovely tulips.

after we got settled in and had a lite dinner, c picked up our mail from our neighbors and he returned with a big bag of mail. i'm one of those people that absolutely loves getting paper cards,
so i was thrilled to find a nice stash from friends and family. it was like i was celebrating my birthday all over again!

there were so many fun cards - everything from music cards to silly, funny, sweet and even a crown that i am supposed to wear and document with a picture for the giver. *grin*. i received a few gifts that i can't help but mention - the compendium book she from christi which i've read cover to cover already, professional photos of past special events that i was a part of, cds full of pictures of 'fun times' with girlfriends, and a list titled '40 things that make you special to me' from my dear friend karen. i sat there in tears (happy ones) as i read all the kind words and remembered all the special times i've shared with these people over the years. birthdays are perfect for celebrating life and our friendships.


i don't want to forget posting the upside to being 40 (even though i'd love to have flatter abs and thinner thighs).

- i am becoming more patient.  i still have a ways to go, but i find that i can now sit with things and i understand i can't always change them. 

- i trust my own judgement more now than ever.

-i try to use my time more wisely - realizing now how quickly it goes by. 

- i think i've learned some things about gratitude that i didn't know at 21 or even 30.

yes, 40 has it's big benefits - even with it's spots and sags. *grin*
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.