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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

flirting with 40 - no more

today's post title comes from a really fun piece of fiction that i have given as birthday gifts for girlfriends over the past few years as several approach their big 40.  i had never read it, but wanted to, and vowed to complete it before MY big 40!  this year, my birthday (april 10th) fell over our family vacation to mexico so i had a week and a half to relax, read and play.  i couldn't think of a better way or place to bring in a birthday - south of the border with some of my favorite people - my 3 boys and my mom.

i read the book quickly over the first few days. it was a super easy read about a divorcee, career woman and mother who decides to take a surf lesson in hawaii from a much younger (and hot) surf instructor. she not only learns to surf, but she learns to take risks in love and in other areas of her life.  this is a feel good book that reminds ladies of any age to live life to the fullest!

so here's how i spent my actual birthday: 

i was up at 6am (the only time i got up early the entire trip) so i could surf with christopher - something i've missed.  for you non-surfers, surf is best in the morning before the wind kicks up. 
my mom tiptoed into our hotel room early to watch the boys who were still sound asleep, and c and I snuck out to spend a half day together.  i grabbed one of the longboards from the hotel, piled into a van, and we headed to chacala - a great surf spot accessible only by boat. 

we surfed for a few hours and i caught some waves - and here, on my birthday i caught the BEST wave of my life! this wave (a left) seemed to go on forever - just peeling and peeling. the planets must have been in alignment because i rode for what seemed like 2 minutes.  i couldn't stop smiling - it felt amazing!! i got applause from the surfer boys out in the water with my hubby cheering the loudest, and i had a cheesy grin on my face for the rest of the day.

the only thing i'm bummed about is we didn't get a single photo of our surf session and me getting my perfect ride. the boat dropped us off and left instead of anchoring outside the surf break like in past years, so no one was able to go back to a boat to photograph.  i certainly didn't want to have a water camera hanging on my arm while surfing - i have a hard enough time with balance. the only memory i have is in my head and i'll just have to keep replaying it over and over so i don't forget it! *laugh*

the day was full of good things - good waves, pretty flowers in my room that c arranged with the staff earlier in the week. it was a lovely surprise and something he can rarely pull off. *grin*
after dinner, the wait staff came to our table pounding on pots and pans singing happy birthday to me.
the restaurant's chef made the cake - which took more preplanning by c (again, very impressed).
this was *the moistest* cake i've ever eaten - sinfully good. since it could have fed a small army,
we shared with all the guests and the staff in the dining room. they were happy to partake. 

the day ended well when grandma offered to take the boys to her room for the night. 
i never asked or even suggested it, she simply offered.  i've mentioned she's an angel. *grin* 

turning 40 wasn't painful at all. i had a wonderful day and this trip allowed me lots of time to think and have many discussions on life and growing older. true, i'll never have the body i had at 21, but i wouldn't go back in a heartbeat.  i am lovin' this time of my life right now, and there are great benefits to getting older. stay tuned and i'll list them in a separate post.  they deserve a post all of their own.  here's to another decade!

scoutie and i pre-dinner (courtesy of finn)

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.