the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
how it goes...
you get what you get and you don't throw a fit
- miss melissa, finn's preschool teacher - at st andrews
this is a line finn used when one of his buddy's was over and was complaining about the color of popsicle i gave him. for guests i'll usually go out of my way to accomodate their preference in popsicle color or sandwich type, but this particular day i was out of the color he wanted and he started to whine. finn quickly said "xxxx, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit." i loved this phrase from the moment i heard it and i use it regularly. in fact, i used it with scout tonight.
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About Me
- Angela
- San Diego, CA, United States
- I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.