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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, June 22, 2009


sweet childish days, that were as long as twenty days are now.
- wordsworth

summer is in full swing now and with finn out of pre-school, christi has her hands full with both boys four days a week. as expected, she's handling it so well and they seem to be having lots of fun. they spend their days at the beach, the pool or parks around the city. they are simply enjoying the beautiful san diego summer - sunny and mid 70s!

i get a little bummed being cooped up inside at work instead of enjoying the outdoors. christi has a lovely sister jenny, a recent grad, that has been unable to find work in her field. she has taken up a nanny job in the meantime and it's just a few blocks away. the little boy she cares for is just a month younger than scoutie and the sisters get together almost daily with the 3 boys. it's a great set up for all of them.

oh to be a child again and have summers to look forward to.

i look back on summers with a smile. i was a child of the 70s and 80s and though we had the video game system, atari, my parents didn't allow us to spend our days sitting in front of the television. as soon as we ate breakfast and did our chores, we were outside playing - all day long. we came inside just long enough to grab lunch or a snack. it wasn't forced - it's just where we wanted to be.
it helped that we grew up on a street with lots of kids and that my best friend robin was one of 6 kids. between her large family and mine, we always had enough kids to form teams to play most anything. we also spent alot of time in our backyard pool - mom and dad knew exactly what they were doing when they made that purchase. our friends were over often and it kept us home which allowed mom to keep her eye on us for many summers.

when i think of childhood summers, i think of long and happy days - filled with childhood friends, my brothers, bike riding, touch football and four-square games in the street (yes in the street), neighborhood parades, swimming, lots of kool-aid, pb&j and chasing down the ice cream truck for a sweet treat. oh to be a kid again.

here's to a sweet and sensational summer!!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.