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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, June 8, 2009

paws without pads

i have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.
- maya angelou

i think most anyone would agree that giving makes us feel good.
there's so many ways to give - not just financially, but with our time, and even our talents.
even with busy lives, some people make it a priority - they find things they are truly passionate about and give.

my dear friend charlotte is a good example of this. whether it be volunteering to help woman in the workplace balance work and a professional life, or building homes for families in need, she is always giving.

her latest endeavor, paws without pads stemmed from her desire to help pets of the homeless.
ever since she adopted heidi, a sweet older dog from the humane society a few years back,
she's had a soft spot for animals in need and for those no one else seems to care about.
paws without pads is her brainchild.  here is her story:

one day while walking near my office downtown, i saw a homeless man with two dogs.
one looked a lot like heidi, but the poor little dog was very dirty and his fur was so matted he needed to be shaved. i realized how hard it must be for someone without sufficient means to care for a dog like that. i started thinking about how i could make a difference in their lives. today, the idea for a free pet wash to benefit the pets of san diego’s homeless is how i’m taking action.

i’ve named the event Paws without Pads – Pet Wash!
the event has two parts: Part 1 is a donation drive for pet supplies. If you would like to make a donation, I am collecting supplies throughout the month of June; you can drop them off at my house or office. Part 2 is the actual pet wash which will be set for a certain date and time later this summer. Several local organizations are signing on to be involved, so it should be a very successful event!

there is already interest and excitement from so many and i'm excited for the event day to come.
i am going to volunteer in some capacity - wherever i'm needed.
so tonight i sit here inspired by charlotte and her idea to give back.
i am challenging myself to give more - charity events or community events (more beach cleanups?).
i need to do more - give more. i want to be an example to my boys so they want to give.
maybe they'll learn that by giving, they'll get just as much in return (and maybe more) than the recipient. if you or anyone you know is interested in helping, please pass along.

if you have questions, contact charlotte at

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.