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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

flintstone fingers

when you can laugh at yourself, you are free.
- ted loder

i have what some of my sisters refer to as 'flintstone fingers'.
i can't remember which one of them came up with this name, but it stuck.
unfortunately, i'm not the only female in my family who has them.
i won't name names, but some of us have them, and some don't.

some of us were lucky to be born with long narrow fingers with beautifully
shaped nails and some of us have shorter and wider flintstone fingers.

it doesn't seem fair others got the long fingers when i'm the one who plays the piano
and could use them. such is life i guess. the good news - i've never been a girl that likes
to have long or medium nails and faux nails, NEVER. so i can write about this with a grin
and i laugh about it with my sisters. since i don't need or want attention drawn to my fingers,
i keep them short and unpainted.

it helped having a strict piano teacher growing up who insisted that my nails be short.
she said they should never get in the way of my piano playing and since i was a tomboy,
i preferred them short anyway. when all the girls got acrylic nails for senior prom,
i opted for a simple manicure with a clear coat. once (just once) i got acrylic nails,
but they were super uncomfortable and with the shape of my fingers,
they didn't even look much better.
so that's one bi-weekly expense i've never had to worry about.

when i get my nails done, it's always my TOE nails.
they don't resembles flintstone feet thank goodness.
well they did a few times when i was in training for long runs.
the 2nd toenail on both of my feet were black and fell off.
but that's for another time.
(i even have pix of jen and i's black toe nails after our first marathon)

i do treat myself to pedicures in the spring and summer because i live in flipflops
or go barefoot as much as i can. so here's to a summer of pretty toes at least.

i'm off to get a pedicure this weekend. maybe i'll post a picture of them here.
 for now, i found some pretty toes on google to use.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.