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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, February 23, 2009


boys are god's way of telling you your house is too clean
- unknown

this quote is perfect for tonight's post.
five years ago, my house was always tidy and for the most part, clean.
i wasn't obsessive about it, but there was never a ring around the tub, food stuck on the floor,
fingerprints all over windows, dustballs under beds, and things strewn all over the floor.

c and i are generally tidy, so our home was then too.
since having kids and especially since #2, this is no longer the norm.
no matter how much i try to stay on top of cleaning, i can't.

when i went back to work after scout was born, i tried - i really did.
then after a month or two of stressing myself out and acting like hitler
and driving my family crazy trying to keep it up, i decided it wasn't worth it.
kids are kids - and by nature, messy.

this doesn't mean i've given up altogether. i (we) try to tidy up a bit every evening.
finn picks up his toys, puts his shoes in the basket by the door, dishes in dishwasher,
i wipe down counters, organize a little, but anything more involved that, well it waits
until the weekend.  i'll admit that even then, i don't get to it EVERY weekend.
it's more like every other weekend.

i think back to my childhood and the home i grew up in. with 7 children,
our home was was never spotless but it was good enough and comfortable.
my mother didn't believe in homes being museums. mom was always saying
"homes should look lived in." she wanted to be able to put her feet on the couch
(minus shoes) and she wanted guests to feel at home and do the same.

i remember many visitors lingering and saying "i could just stay here all day dottie."
she'd smile and welcome them back anytime. mom had a way of making everyone
comfortable - even though her home wasn't spotless.  thinking of mom and our childhood
homes reminds me that home isn't about being beautiful or clean...
home is about the people and good feelings inside.


finn's bedroom (before bedtime)
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.