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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

bits and pieces

SO many things are happening and i felt the need to document some random bits and pieces of my life.

a new home:  not for the gerber family, but for my brother todd and s-i-l heather.
the newlyweds just closed on their first home, located in clermont, florida.
talk about life moving fast, here's a recap of their past year and a half:

- todd proposes to heather in paris in early 2009
- tied the knot in oct. 2009
- honeymooned in ireland
- expecting a baby in october 2010
- just closed on their 1st home

whew - those are major life changes! 
todd shared photos of their new home.
it's lovely and BIG. (i think my entire home could fit in the garage)
i was told the window on the far left is their 'guest room'.
looking forward to enjoying this room when i visit next. CONGRATS!!

bootcamp/workout update:  i was doing so well for the first 2 weeks,
but last week, i was a slacker. i only went once and i ate lots of bad food.
christi was visiting and i let that be my excuse but honestly,
it doesn't hold water because i could have gone to the 5:45am class before work.
so this week, i'm going 4x and i am pushing myself HARD.

oh, i pulled off my first 'double under' on the jump rope tonight.
so what is this?  it's basically doing 2 rotations for every single jump.
it's a BIG accomplishment for me because i've been trying to do it for weeks
and just not getting it. there's a rhythm and technique to it and i've almost got it!
i think. *grin*

selling our little home by the sea: 
we are just *discussing* this right now but everyone knows
our cozy beach cottage has grown cozier since scoutie arrived.
and as much as i'd LOVE to just add another story to our home,
we can't  make the numbers work. we've tried.
construction costs are just as outrageous as the real estate here in ca.
c could stay in our cottage forever as it is and be perfectly happy.
i can't see us here without more square footage (even just 600 SF)
so c is letting me make the final decision - whatever i want.
no quick decisions here but i've been doing lots of thinking.
stay tuned...

nanny search: summer is almost here and since we are without christi,
we are on the search for someone to watch the boys in july and august.
grandma is flying out in mid june to help out for 2 weeks
and we hope to find a nanny to start right after the 4th of july. 
christi set the bar SO high and c and i agree no other nanny will come close to her.
he reminds me it's just for 8 weeks (not for 2 years) but still it will be tough.
the search has begun...

more visitors: the cottage is going to have LOTS of visitors this summer.
christi just left, and we have grandma barby arriving on thursday for a few days. 
it's been a while, so we are excited to see her.  she'll hardly recognize scoutie.
a week later, my beautiful sister leslie will be arriving for a FuN filled girl weekend!
she'll be flying solo this trip (her first time ever w/out her little guys in tow).
like all mommas, she needs this and my #1 goal is to show her a good time.
in july my mom arrives, my my b-in-l trevor and his family. and then
dear girlfriend connie from tucson.  whew - but i love it!

new puppy: again not ME (the boys wish they had a puppy).
my niece, kristen, got a puppy last weekend and can't be more excited.
i think i've gotten 10 emails about this little sadie so far.
can't wait to meet her!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.