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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, July 6, 2009

two today

today is scoutie's 2nd birthday!!

it's hard to believe my little blue-eyed, olive-skinned, chubby cheeked boy is two already.
it doesn't seem possible, but it's true.
i'm embarrassed to say, i FORGOT his birthday this morning.

you see, he and i are usually the first ones to wake everyday,
and this morning was no different.
we spent a little time together as i got ready for work,
he played in his room and had a string cheese snack.

i said goodbye and planted a kiss on his cheek and he said "bye mom",
blew me a kiss and went back to reading his books.
this has been our morning routine for awhile now.
no tears, no drama.

around 8am i saw in my calendar that TODAY was july 6th, my baby's birthday!

i called home to tell christopher what i had done.
he reassured me saying don't worry about it,
it's not like he will ever remember.
this is true and i instantly reminded myself to stop being so ridiculous.

with company in town all weekend, and a busy work week ahead, i simply forgot.
it happens sometimes.  because we aren't celebrating his birthday for another 2 weeks,
it just wasn't on my radar screen.

i came home this afternoon to scout greeting me at the door.
he said "hello mom" and him giving me a big hug and kiss.
it was almost as if he was telling me not to worry about this morning,
that the morning hug and kiss i gave him was all he needed - then and now.

i scooped him up, planted 20 kisses all over his little face and
sang happy birthday to my little toddler.

here's a short video i took tonight.



i'll be sure to post pictures of the actual celebration that is just around the corner.
it will be a traditional backyard party, but having auntie leslie and her boys with us
will be anything but typical. this will be our first time meeting scout's newest cousin 'ander'.
we are very excited and are counting down the days!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.