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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

a surprise in a song

one evening months back, christopher and i sat and watched a kpbs special on john denver.
we hadn't planned on spending our evening watching the program, but it was on and something about his music captivated us.

we sat on the couch for over 2 1/2 hours listening to his music, learning the inspiration for his lyrics, and watching past interviews of him. we were never huge fans, as neither of us are country music lovers (although i have discovered taylor swift and love her). c and i both remember our parents having his album when we were young. both of our dad's are music lovers (c's dad has even recorded an album or two), so we had been exposed to him and were familiar with a few of his songs - sunshine on my shoulders and leaving on a jet plane.
his simple, sweet and poetic lyrics and melodies made him loved by so many. it's a tragedy he died in a plane crash at age 53 in1997.

so when i came across his cd randomly at a store recently, i bought it and tucked it away to give to c on his birthday. i didn't know how he would react. it's far from the likes of jason mraz and maroon 5 , but he had enjoyed the kpbs special, and like me, he's a a little romantic, sentimental, and enjoys alot of different of music. i thought if he didn't like it, i would keep it for me. i was happily suprised when he opened the cd and genuinely said 'thanks ang, i'll enjoy this.

we sat and listened to the entire album that evening. annie's song is one of our favorites. john wrote it for his wife ann while on a ski chairlift in switzerland. he said the lyrics were inspired by his love of landscapes and his feelings for her. *sniff*

if you aren't familiar with john denver's music, or even if you are, take a minute to listen and enjoy.
 it's such a sweet song - a song i'm sure that made her feel warm and fuzzy.

and here's to another wonderful john - my father-in-law. it's his birthday tomorrow and i though i don't know for sure, i can almost bet he's a fan of john denver. *smile*.

happy birthday JT. keep smiling and singing. love ya
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.