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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

new pad

my lil' sister jen has just moved in her own place.
i think i am as excited as she is but for different reasons.
she's happy to come home to her very own place and to be closer to work,
and i'll be happy to have her closer to me!
we'll be neighbors now and i'll get to see *lots* more of her.
she not living next door or even a block or two away, but she's not too far away either.
she's a short bike ride or run (maybe 2 miles) away.

after 5 years of living with a bunch of 20-something girls and being the 'mother' to most of them,
she decided she'd have enough and was getting her own place.
this is a big deal as getting your own place in southern california - at least in a place you'd really want to live,
is *not* an easy thing to do. it's expensive to live here and living alone is a big chunk of change.
her new pad is oh so cute! it's an older one bedroom apartment with built-ins along one wall of the living room and her bedroom has two (yes 2) wall to wall closets on opposite walls. i'm soooooo jealous - seriously, i almost hyperventilated when i saw them. closet space is something i'm desperately needing.

anyway, this is a big move for her and i must admit, i've a little envious.
i've always wanted to live alone. i lived with girlfriends but never had my very own place.
it would have been nice. my single girlfriends tell me i might have never gotten married if i had lived alone because it's so nice. i can see that. *laugh*

as she gets settled into her new place, i am anxiously awaiting 'sister night'.
we talked about getting together bi-weekly or so to cook a healthy vegetarian meal and then watch a chick flick.
so much to look forward to.

congrats j on your new pad sis! enjoy making it yours!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.