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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

things i ♥ thursdays

i ♥ these fish goggles
i was shopping at von's last week and wandered past them.
i wasn't even looking for party favors yet for scoutie's 'frog' themed b-day
but there they were - the perfect little gift for the kiddos.
that was easy.  love when things are easy!

i ♥ being barefoot
if i'm home and not going anywhere, i am barefoot.
i wear heels to work everyday so it just feels good.
i keep a big basket by the front door and we all kick our shoes
off when we walk in the front door and toss them here.
it's an attempt to keep our wood floors from becoming a sandy beach
but with the sandbox out back for the boys, it doesn't really work.
on occasion, i'll forget to take my shoes off when i come home
and scout will immediately ask if i'm leaving. i respond with a no
and he quickly says "then take your shoes off mommy."
he never has to ask me twice.
i love being barefoot.

(mom mentioned my dad is the same way - he even walks
their dog around the block without shoes. this
embaresses her
a little but i find it adorable).

i ♥ playing tennis
it's a great game and one i'm hoping to play past retirement.
christopher grew up playing competitively and turned me on to it,
but i didn't start playing until about 6 years ago.
i started with lessons from coach joe (pb recreation center)
and was hooked ever since. it's addicting!
i'm not a 'tennis player' by any means,
but i have such fun out there on the courts.
it's great exercise and it's social - the perfect combination for me.
i played last night for over an hour with my girlfriend mags
and we made a pact to start playing again weekly.
we have been slacking and we've got the bug again!
with wimbledon is in full force right now - it's motiviating me even more.
i love love tennis!!

i ♥ jamba juice
these cool drinks are the perfect summer treat
and i feel less bad drinking one of these than a starbucks drink.
we're lucky to have one within walking distance from the house.
will be visiting frequently over the next few months.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.