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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

things i ♥ thursdays

i ♥ target
but it's a love/hate relationship.
i can't leave that store without spending too much.
it's dangerous for me.
some call costco the $100 store but since i don't shop there,
target is my $100 store. 
they've got so many great things - in every department.
i've had to limit myself to only going once every 2 weeks.
if not, my family might have to start eating ramen noddles.
love love love target!

i ♥ planning the boys' birthday parties
i know there will be a time when they won't want backyard parties
with mom and dad around organizing games and taking photos so
while they are little i'm taking advantage of it and enjoying it.
since the boys have been able to talk, they select the theme and i come
up with games and decor and christopher bakes and decorates the cake.
this year scoutie has chosen a 'frog' themed birthday' - so cute!
something he's recently taken an interest in.  the super talented jessica has
designed the cutest invitation for the party and i had to share.
i can't wait for the party - his cousins maya and isaac will be visiting
which will make it ever more memorable.

i secretly ♥ when scout tries to tip toe into our bedroom
and tries to whisper "good morning"  before dawn.
(it's impossible for him to whisper)
he waits for christopher and i to say it back to him
and if we both don't respond, he'll call us out individually.
it usually takes c 2 'good mornings from scoutie to respond *smile*
it doesn't matter how little sleep i've had,
when i hear these words from my sweet baby boy,
i smile, wish him a good morning too and
offer him a warm place in bed between c and i.
he usually takes me up on it. 

i ♥ embellished tops right now
i'm usually not an embellished type' girl
but i'm really liking the simple tees and tanks with ruffles and flowers right now.
i can dress them up with a cardigan and wear to work, or
dress down with jeans, capris or even shorts. so versatile!!
i just ordered this tee from fossil,
and would like the one below from old navy.
it's cute and inexpensive.
unfortunately, they are sold out on-line. *sniff*
i'm hoping i might be able to find one in a store this weekend.

have a terrific thursday folks!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.