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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

the best gifts

"there are many little ways to enlarge you child's world.
love of books is the best of all."
- jacqueline kennedy


whenever there is a child's birthday to buy for,
the boys always know what this mommy wants to purchase.
you get one guess. ok, the picture gave it away, but yes, a book.

i know kids love toys, so it's usually a package deal - we buy a book and a toy
{and if there's a birthday theme it's that much easier}.
i can't think of a better gift to give children or for the boys to receive than books.
if it's a good one, it will be enjoyed over and over and they'll learn something too.

when grandma was visiting this past summer,
she read to scout every afternoon before his nap.
she told me she fell in love with several of the books in their bookcase,
and teased she considered tossing a few into her suitcase to take home. *grin*

before she left, i promised i would email her names and links of some of her favorites.
it took a while, but i finally sent these off a few weeks ago,
along with a few others that are favorites of ours.

since my list was handy, i thought i'd post a few as i want to remember them.
{in case i end up losing them or god forbid, c makes me get rid of them}.
he knows i dream of having a dedicated music/library in our future home.
a place we can all gather - far from any electronic device.

so here's my list, in no particular order:

1. I Love you Stinky Face
2. The Napping House
3. Finn Cooks (not easy to find but always a hit when we give as a gift, especially with boys named finn)
4. Big Words for Little People
5. The Boy Who Wouldn't Swim
6. Where's the Dragon
7. Ferdinand
8. The Magic Treehouse Series (finn reads these outloud to scout and me before bed. we both enjoy
    them). he just finished book 12 and i think there are a total of 50.
9. Too Many Toys
10. Jeremy McBright was Afraid of The Night (written and completely illustrated by my old friend Bill Bradford)

~ so what i thought would be a relaxing night at home with the boys
and then reading this month's book club selection, i was mistaken. 
c called me to tell me he came home to a fridge that wasn't working
{and i just spent $200 on groceries last night - ugh}. 
the repairman is coming out tomorrow but in the meantime,
we've got dry ice in the fridge keeping things cool,
and most of our frozen food is in jen's freezer.

thank goodness for auntie jen!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.