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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

beatles love

i saw this amazing show in vegas this past weekend! 

i think back to it and it feels almost surreal  -
probably because the show was so over the top and
also because it happened so fast. i was only in vegas for 2 nights!

my lil' sharks had their team pictures early saturday morning
and a game right after that, and i didn't want to miss it.
{i take my coaching job seriously} *wink*

scoutie was sick and wasn't able to play in the game,
but he did agree to pose for the team and individual photo.
{i'm hoping he doesn't look too sullen in the photos}
finn had a game an hour later, and right after that was over,
i jumped on a plane and headed to las vegas.

i took this very quick trip with my girlfriend maia
{she may be the biggest beatles fan our there}.
we both have been wanting to see the show forever but neither of us are vegas girls.
even in my 20s, i didn't care for vegas {the strip is the epitome of cheesy}
but this is where the show was and i didn't want to miss it before it goes away. 

i'm so glad because it was nothing short of spectacular -
the theatrics, acrobatics, lights, props, costumes and the dancing!
the show had some of the best entertainers i've ever seen -
and all this was themed around amazing beatles songs/compiliations.
{and who can ever get enough of their music} *wink*

though i'm exhausted and hoarse from all the las vegas smoke
{i probably cut my life short by 5 years from having to breath it all}
i'm glad to have experienced this show.  i wish i had photos or video to share,
but photography and videography of any type were not allowed.

~ cool tidbit: my s-i-l shannon's 10 year old nephew, david, is in this show.
he lives in las vegas with his family, auditioned to be one of the young beatles, and was cast!
he is on a year contract, gets paid a salary and goes to school on set with the other young actors.
how cool is that? {i got to see him in the show - he was so cute}
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.