way beyond is a new indoor children's health and fitness center
that opened up in the UTC area of san diego a few months ago.
i hadn't heard of it until my very thoughtful coworker sent me a link
to a special that was running for discounted tickets for their 'date night'
which is offered every friday night.
i had never heard of this place, but one look at the pictures on their website
and i got excited about it. seriously, the place looked like a giant futuristic
playground - super cool!
when i learned they accept 3 year olds that are fully potty-trained,
i couldn't resist. i reserved two spaces for the boys immediately,
sent christopher a calendar request for a friday evening,
and shared this photo with finn:
his reaction was similar to mine. he was in awe!
almost daily, he'd ask me if today was our date night.
finally the day arrived and he could barely contain himself.
when i got home from work, the boys were ready to go.
c and i dropped them off and it couldn't have been any easier.
they barely acknowledged us as we said goodbye to them.
c and i snuck off to dinner at el torritos, which was literally just around the corner.
we walked here, maximizing our time out together. we asked for a boothe that was
tucked away and luckily we got it. we spent our entire 'date' drinking, eating,
and just catching up with each other's lives. it was exactly what we needed.
a few hours later, we picked up two happy and very tired little boys.
on our drive home, we all agreed we should do this again!
the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.
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About Me
- Angela
- San Diego, CA, United States
- I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.