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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, October 18, 2010

the sound of silence

today's blog title comes from paul simon and art garfunkle's song with the same title.
i had the cd playing in the car today and it made me think of how rare silence is in my home.

then i thought of something my mother said when she was visiting about 8 years ago.
this was during c and i's pre-kid days and we lived in a condo in pacific beach.
we were the typical d.i.n.k. couple - busy with social events, eating out, and travelling
whenever we got the chance.  our home was rather quiet then.

after arriving home from work one evening, i found mom sitting on our couch reading a book
(or maybe it was a house decorating magazine). she greeted me with a big welcome home and
shortly after she said "your home is SO quiet angie." i think that was her way of saying it had been
a long day by herself and it would be nice if she'd have been spending it with grandchilden.

she never came right out to say it, but she wanted to see me as a mother.
she wanted to spend time with her daughter, in that role and with her grandchildren.
she wanted to hear pitter patter of feet on our hardwood floors.
that wasn't the first time she had hinted she'd like c and i to have kids.

we always wanted children and told our families this, but they were probably starting to wonder.
we were married married for years already and i think some were losing hope.  c and i told
everyone we were taking our time and having a little bit more fun before we had to share each other,
but i think mom half believed me. *wink*

now when mom visits my home, her days are no longer quiet.
we try to get her out to california any chance there is a week or two break from school.
she helps out and the boys just *love* having grandma here.
they are forever asking her to read, build, color, or make them a pb and honey sandwhich.

i will venture to say that mom's visits to san diego are more enjoyable now that she has grandchildren here.
i remember her saying "there sure is alot of life in your home." 
again, her gentle way of telling us this was exactly what we needed.
and as i sit here, i can't help but think she was right.
call it a mom's intuition but she knew exactly what i (we) needed.

my heart is full tonight and i feel very blessed to have my three.
(even though it's rare i experience the sound of silence)

and since all posts need at least one photo, i included this one of finn taken by kelly at bubba-loo.
kelly snapped finn in all his goofy glory. that's my boy!

image: finn (age 7)

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.