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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

things i ♥ thursdays

i ♥ cupcakes
and lucky (or not so lucky) for me,
my coworker has been on a baking frenzy the past few months
and cupcakes have been her thing.
today she brought in about 3 dozen all decorated in the halloween theme.
i'm kicking myself for not taking a photo because they were Absolutely Adorable.
her little whipped cream ghosts with faces that sat on atop mini cupcakes were my fav!
(i found this pix on the internet, my coworkers' were equally as cute)

i ♥ costumes
i wish i could sew and make amazing costumes but since i can't,
i am relegated to working with fabric glue which limits what i can make.
with some help from my sister jen,
this owl costume is what i've been working on for the past 2 weeks.
i found it on-line on alphamom's blog.

it's not difficult to make, but it is a bit labor intensive.
i was starting to question if it was worth all the trouble
when finn came up to the kitchen table last night.
i was glueing fabric pieces (feathers) to the t-shirt and he said
"you've been working hard on my costume mom. i saw you and aunt jen
cutting out all those feathers. there's like a billion. i really really love it."

those words made me forget all about my achy fingers and my glue covered hands and table.
my sweet 6 year old noticed and expressed his appreciation.  
what more could a mother want? for me, not much.
grateful kids is at the very top of my list.

i ♥ oreos
i know they are horribly unhealthy
but they are oh so yummy.
when i walked by the double stuffed orange creme filling halloween
ones at target last weekend, i couldn't resist buying a bag.
i've been putting 2 cookies in the boys' lunchboxes every day this week.
it's a rare treat and they know to always eat their sandwhich and veggies first.
i mean honestly, who doesn't like oreos?! *wink*

i ♥ rollerskating
YES, i'm referring to the old-school skating
where you rent the ugly beige boots with the orange wheels.
you know them well if you were a teenager who lived at the skating rink (like me).
i went to a skating birthday party with finn a few weeks ago and we both had a blast.
i told my sister, leslie, all about it and she really wanted to go when she visited.
no arm twisting was necessary, i was in!!

so this past saturday afternoon, i got a sitter for 4 little boys and leslie, jen and i
rollerskated are bootays off for a few hours at skateworld. 
we had a blast and leslie and i even participated in the limbo contest (and lost).
we were all a little sore the next day but in a good way.
this was a reminder for me to get out there even more and do something
outside my norm ever once in a while.
not only was it fantastic exercise,
but it was a fun and different way to enjoy time with my sisters.
we will definitely be doing this again in the future.
(pix to come)

i ♥ this picture of the cousins
it was taken this past monday at legoland,
right after the boys got off the kiddie rollercoaster.
as they were running to get back in line to ride it again.
this was soren and scoutie's first time ever on this rollercoaster and
when i asked how they liked it, they all turned and gave me this:

legoland 2010: scout (3), finn (6), soren (4)

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.