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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

three types of tourists

i came across this article about travelling and found it fun and thought i'd post tonight.
basically it categories 3 types of tourists:

1. the recreational tourist - the person who is looking to get away from it all, unwind, and slowly recharge their battery.
2. the experiential tourist - the individual who is looking for new experiences within new cultures, always increasing their knowledge base. they are energized by exploration.
3. the experimental tourist - this person is not only willing to try new things but almost actively seeks them. they are willing to try (and perhaps fail) in travels to new destinations rather than not travel at all.

i found this so interesting and i immediately knew i was #2.
i think my other half is a combination of #2 and #3, but more #3.
he goes out of his way for an adventure - off the beaten path and will drag me into a family's home if they invite us to dinner or talk me into riding local buses full of chickens and grade school kids going to school.  i love this about him.

it makes our travel experiences much richer and we always come home with fun stories.

so travel has been on my mind as i was planning a solo trip to florida this fall to visit my nephew (who should arrive towards the end of this month) and my girlfriend's new baby boy!  after much thought, we decided to bit the bullet and bring the entire family.  this way we can all see the babies, visit the shappard crew and finn and scout could get some quality time with grandma and grandpa, something they don't get to do often because of us living on opposite ends of the country.

i believe that true 'quality time' between grandkids and grandparents isn't spent in the company of mom and dad looking over their shoulders.  there is a different dynamic when parents muddying things up. so while the boys are having fun with gma and gpa, c and i will be getting some quality time together too.

we aren't sure where we are going, but since the carribean is so close to florida and fairly affordable, so we are considering it. neither of us have been so we need to do some research to see what's there.

i'm envisioning touring old spanish forts, eating lots of island/local food, hiking through jungles and seeing (or better yet) swimming under waterfalls. ahhhhhhh!! 

i pulled these pictures from google. all are places in the carribean. oh so lovely.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.