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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

loving the limelight

i included the play limelight in a recent 'things i love thursdays' post
because i am obsessed with this play that recently ran at the la jolla playhouse.
it wasn't enough to just include it, i have to devote an entire post to it.

i saw it with christopher first a few months ago. we are season ticket holders at the ljph
and this was one of the 6 shows in the season. i was looking forward to it as i'm a big fan of
musical theater and this was one of the 2 musicals in the series.

admittingly, i knew nothing about charlie chaplin other than his character in his black and white
silent films was known as 'the tramp'. that's really all i knew about him. i don't recall even
watching an entire movie of his.

after having seen limelight, which is based on charlie's life,
i am fasinated with his rags to riches story.
his story is both interesting and inspiring.

it helped that there was a PHENOMENAL actor playing charlie, robert mcclure,
a talented cast, amazing dancing and music that i still can't get out of my head.
of the hundreds of plays (musicals and non) i have seen in my lifetime,
limelight is one of my top 3, maybe even my #1.

i can't think of a single thing to improve in the performances i saw.
it was perfection to me. i can't remember the last time i was so excited over a play.

after i saw it, i instantly wanted my sister jen to see it because i just knew she would love it too.
she had a birthday coming up, so i bought her a ticket the next day and
a few weeks later, we enjoyed it together.  i think she loved it almost as much as me.
so here's how obsessed i am with this play.

c and i went to see notes from the underground  a week or two after seeing limelight.
it was playing at one of the other theaters at the la jolla playhouse,
limelight was still running and playing right next door to the theater we were in.

after watching a very dark and disturbing play by dostoevsky, i was feeling pretty down.
(i'll share that several folks walked right out of the theater during the show because of graphics/violence). it was extremely difficult to watch.  c and i walked out of the theater without speaking a word to each other -we were both just drained emotionally.

as we walked by the theater where limelight was being having it's final performance,
i heard the music being played on the outdoor speakers. i stopped and couldn't help but smile.
limelight is a complete contrast from what i had just seen.
there are some melancholy and reflective songs,but most are upbeat and hopeful.
i needed to hear that music again so i insisted we just stand and listen.

as i was listening, i peeked inside the lobby.
i saw the live performance was being shown on a screen in the lobby. i was ecstatic!
i asked c if he'd be willing to go sit in the lobby and just sit and watch the show.
he had an 8am meeting the next day and it was already 9:30pm with yet another hour left of limelight.

he refused.
i begged him.
he still refused.
i told him it might be my last time EVER to hear the songs -
especially if the show doesn't make it to broadway. 
he thought i was being a bit dramatic and reminded me he had to get some sleep.
he said i was being unfair and unreasonable. how dare he!

here's the embarrassing part, but i'm going to share anyway.
i started to tear up in frustration and anger (i wasn't kidding when i said i am crazy about this play).
i briefly and very seriously considered telling c to go home without me and i would take a taxi home AFTER
i listened to the rest of the play, but in the end, i decided i should end our 'date night' with my husband.

but there you have it, a glimpse into my passion for live theater and music that moves me.
limelight did this - in a BIG way. i am hoping the show goes on to broadway.
with the cast we saw perform, it's hard to imagine it won't. it's so deserving of it.
my fingers are crossed and i am hopeful...

HERE is a clip interviewing the amazing christopher curtis, the composer for limelight.
i learned from his website that he has been working on the musical score for 16 years!
if this play comes to a theater near you, you MUST see it. i can't say it enough.
limelight is a musical you don't want to miss!!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.