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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

scoutie turns 3

three years ago today, july 6, 2007, scout benjamin gerber was born!

when i first saw him,
i actually wondered if i was given the right baby.
for some reason, i expected a mini finn - a fair-haired white baby boy.
not our scout. he had darker hair, darker skin and was bigger.

as he grew, he took on a strong resemblance to christopher.
now, there's no mistake - he is his daddy's boy.
they share the gerber cheeks, coloring and those unique blue eyes.
before teachers and friends who've met scoutie meet christopher,
they know he is the father as soon as they see him - before he introduces himself. *grin*

though he's his daddy's mini, he's got a personality ALL his own.
i was going to list 3 things i wanted to remember about scoutie at age 3,
but i don't think i'm going to be able to stop there. here's a handful:

 - he has a good sense of humor
it showed itself early in his life.
he loves to laugh and he likes to makes others laugh.

he is a natural athlete
he throws, kicks and hits balls very well for his age. 
it seems to come easy for him and with this comes a little bit of fearlessness as well.
(remember he was climbing monkey bars and to the top of the cottage ladder at 1 1/2 yrs).
i'm excited to see what sports he will enjoy as he grows older.

- he has good manners
ok, not always, but i am told this often by babysitters, teachers, my mom, and my girlfriends.
he says please and thank you most of the time, asks to be excused from the table and
takes his plate to the counter.
it might just be a phase, but i'm hoping this continues.

- he is completely in love with finn
he calls him "my finn" and wants to be with him all the time.
he is lucky his brother includes him when he plays.
he is good to him, which is why scoutie can't get enough of him.

- he can be super duper sweet
he still loves to hug and cuddle,
and he tells family members that he loves us SO much.
one weekend, i counted 14 "i love yous".

- he loves auntie jen
she has been there for him since the day he was born and for countless other things. 
he points out where she lives every time we drive by her apartment,
and screams out her name and jumps in her arms when she comes over.

- he has quite a vocabulary
i imagine scoutie has picked up some language from finn
who, like the rest of his family, is a talker.

- he adores animals
as long as animals aren't bigger than he is.
he's drawn to dogs, frogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and frogs.  
he has been asking for a "kitty" for over a year now.
there are no plans for one anytime soon, but with a new pet frog,
i'm hoping he will be content for a little while. 

- he loves books, puzzles and stickers
he can't seem to get enough of these and can spend
hours engaged in any of these activities.

happy birthday baby boy!!
though you are no longer a baby,
you will always be my baby.
love love love you.

i am SO in love with this little guy.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.