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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

things i ♥ thursdays

i ♥ dressing the boys in matching clothes
i'm not sure why, it's just kind of fun.
if i like something enough to buy for one,
i figure why not purchase for the other.

finn is just about out of size 5T clothes
so this will be the last year shopping in the 'little boys' section for him.
at 6.5 he's been able to wear the clothes comfortably up until now,
for this fall's school clothes, we are moving finn up to the 'big boy' clothes.
scoutie still has another few years in the 'little boys' section though *grin*
my gerblets in their matching pjs last week.

i ♥ black licorice
i can't get enough of it!
at the grocery store i can't allow myself to go down the candy aisle
because i know i'll want to throw a pack in my cart.
if it's in front of me, i have a hard time resisting.
i think grandpa gerber turned me on to it years ago.
he mixed twizzler nibs in with his popcorn and shared - so good!
(i've recently discovered scoutie is a fan of black licorice too)

i ♥ singing outloud in the car.
usually the boys (little ones at least) join me in song and
because i play so many of my cds over and over
they can't help but memorize the songs after a while.

for about 2 months, scout has been requesting the same song
every time we get in the car. he asks me to play the song
leaving on a jet plane by john denver.
he is obsessed with this song (good thing i like it too).
he tells me "i don't know all the words" but he will join in at the chorus.
it's absolutely adorable.

last night he even asked me to sing it to him before bed.
somehow i was able to remember all the words.
i wonder why. *grin*

i ♥ talented woman
there are so many out there
and i am forever in awe of them - architects, engineers, musicians, athletes, teachers, etc.
my designer friend jessica (she created scoutie's 3rd b-day frog invite)
recently put together a gorgeous birthday party for her two daughters.
the party took place under a big oak tree and looked like something right
out of country living magazine!  i'm not joking.

she put so much time and effort into every detail and it's pure gorgeousness!
go to her sunshine and lemonade post to see photos and read about all about this party.
she's truly gifted at crafting and party planning. enjoy her post and enjoy the eye candy.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.