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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

sunday morning: hamilton children's garden

this past sunday, i woke early, made lunches, picked up jen and headed off with the little guys to spend a half day at san diego's botanical gardens. these gardens have been there for years, but somehow i just hadn't made a visit.  when the hamilton children's garden won an orchid award at the recent orchids and onions event i had even more reason to go.

the highlight for the boys (and me) was toni's treehouse, a giant faux ficus climbable tree that looks REAL.  i believe it's actually made out of concrete but because it has live plants growing all over it, you'd never know at a glance.  kids can crawl and hide in the roots and in little coves and tunnels, climb a rope ladder and take a rope walkway to a crow's nest about 20' off the ground.  i went up there for the view - i could see the entire garden.  it's beautiful.  there's also a music area, a creative play area with chalkboards and paint, a building area with balsa wood for kids to build a small house.  it offers so much - i understand why it received an award.

beginning december 10th, they will be open from 5-9pm to show off all the lights they have strung throughout the garden.  i can imagine it's magical out there at night.  i'm hoping to go back with all the boys to see it (and maybe auntie j too). 

i was just thinking how i've lived in sd now for more than 10 years and i think i'm still just scratching the surface of what this city has out there. this park was a sweet surprise.

scout recognizes letters in his name now and points them out wherever he goes. he says "mommy that's my name" anytime he sees an 's'.

side note: while the boys played, i met one of the jurors on the orchids and onions event this year.  go figure!  her name is laura gates, she is a city planner for the city of san diego. she is also a mom to 3 year old twin girls.  she was so interesting to talk too and i come to find out we have mutual friends. it really is a small world.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.