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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

the morning of...

our day began at 6:15am as there were two very excited little boys in the house who just HAD to open presents! c, auntie jen and i dragged ourselves out of bed and into the living room to watch the christmas morning chaos commence.

finn was an expert opener and was right there to lend a hand to scoutie if he struggled with packages and bows. scout would cry out "i need help" and big brother came to the rescue.  the boys must have been pretty good this year as santa brought them*most* of what they wanted. finn was slightly disappointed he didn't receive the lego mindstorm kit he wanted, but he did get the legos inventor kit that he had been wanting since last year (santa remembered).

finn's new robot 'roborover' is already like another family member. he rolls all over the house and always has a witty comment. with his cheery yellow body, big grin and baseball cap, he's easy to like and the best thing about him, he's not annoying loud like finn's snapcircuit rover! (christi knows what i'm talking about). i'm not constantly asking finn to take his robot to the cottage. *grin*

scout stayed busy with his remote control car and trains, but spent more hours at the kitchen table coloring with crayons, washable markers and with his train sticker books. he will literally spend hours at the table - so different than his big brother. at the same age, if it didn't have a motor or wheels, forget it. finn had no interest. these little people are so different.

since our group was so small, we chose not to do a big lunch or dinner and ate leftover chili from the night before instead (our christmas eve tradition handed down from mom). throughout the day, we sipped a glogg mixture - a traditional holiday swedish drink given to us from my coworker tina (SO good). jen and i also exercised to a new jillian michaels dvd and videochatted with some of our family in florida via skype - something we should have been doing a long time ago. it was a nice day.

ps. oh and santa was good to me too. i received that new couch i was so hoping for. *big smile* the boys did a pretty good job with this surprise with just one hint from finn telling me the day before christmas "don't go in the cottage mommy because it's a mess from my legos." later he whispered in my ear "it's not really a mess, your present is in there." *laugh* i hope our family and our guests will enjoy this couch for years to come. (thx mr. c)

here are some photos/video highlights of our day:

finn lost his FIRST tooth on christmas day!

finn sharing his lego invention
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.