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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

winding down

it is rare (near impossible) you will hear me say i am glad a weekend is over,
but i admit, i am so happy this weekend is winding down and coming to a close.

the biggest reason:
my 7 day challenge is officially over and i made it -
without carbs, sugar and caffeine for a week! *cheer*.

it wasn't easy and i almost cheated (a few times, but i stayed strong).
i do feel less tired and stronger because i haven't been using sugar/caffeine
to help me stay awake or give me a mid-afternoon boost.

i've been reaching for healthy snacks so i'm hoping the eating habits i picked up over the week
will help me be smarter with food. next week will be a difficult one food wise - vacationing and eating healthy don't usually go hand in hand. not for me at least.

jessica, i admire you SO much girl. 21 days is truly something to be proud of.
if you don't think so, try it for just 2 or 3 days folks, you'll see how hard it is!
beyond being able to eat again, the second reason i'm glad the weekend is over
is i am now closer to our trip. just 2 more days and the boys and i will be on a plane
to florida for todd and heather's wedding! *another cheer* i can hardly wait.
i just love weddings...especially those in my family.
some other highlights of my weekend worth remembering:
maddy and i went to the haunted hotel in downtown san diego to celebrate her recent birthday.
i wanted to take her somewhere fun and different and since she had never been, i thought she'd love it.
(oh, and her mom was 'ok' with it. i was sure to ask beforehand).
i don't think we let go of each other until 5 minutes *after* we were on the street outside the hotel.
i have a confession: i had my eyes closed maybe half of the 15 minutes it took to walk through the house. after having freddy kruger jump out at me with his razor hands, and the texas chainsaw guy stalk me from behind me with a chainsaw buzzing in my ear, it was the only way i could make it through. maddy was so brave and would say outloud "im not scared" over and over to help her get through it (it actually helped me too. thx girl) here is a photo of maddy celebrating before we went out.

saturday was a 'kid day' with most of our day revolving around the boys.
finn had a birthday party at pump it up - a warehouse full of giant jumpers
available for rent for birthdays and special events.
we had never been and WOW - it was a blast.

later that night we had a very successful outdoor movie night.
we had about 20 kids (most from the neighborhood and a few from finn's kindergarten class).
i chose the classic pete's dragon - YES, a musical, and one that i loved as a young girl.
it's not as cool as today's pixar films, but i knew it would be one the kids hadn't ever seen.
it was a hit because all but 2 of the kids (toddlers) sat through the entire thing.

about 12 bags of popcorn were consumed (not by me - i promise) and several strands
of black and red licorice were enjoyed. finn is already asking when the next one will be.
i told him mommy is due for another 'mom's movie pm' first. *smile*

oh and i wanted to add, i ended my '7 day challenge' with a fantastic 5 mile run.
finn wanted to join only if i ran on the wet sand. he wanted to ride his bike alongside
me because he has "never ridden his bike along the water".
i agreed so i had a partner yesterday.

san diego's beaches have LOTS of kelp so we had to do alot of navigating around
it which was quite a workout for my calves. i'm feeling it today!
finn was my coach along the way saying "go mommy go" and "pick up the pace'.
i'm thinking i may have to bring him along in the future to keep me motiviated.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.