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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

florida trip - gatorland, part 3

as i florida native, i'm not sure how i managed to live there for 22 years and never visit gatorland but i had.
sure it's a total 'b' theme park, such a contrast to disneyworld and it's parks, but that's what made it so cool.

it was loads of fun! it's florida experience and it doesn't try to be anything else. they keep it real (real southern)
and it was refreshing.
we ended up here because we had been unsuccessful in our search to see an alligator in the wild.

finn had his heart set on it while we were in florida. grandma suggested we go to the lake eustis dock and after an hour or so of looking down into murky water and on the banks without a sighting, we decided to call it a day. i mentioned to c that i had NEVER been to gatorland and learned he hadn't either. we were both curious and we thought the boys would enjoy it so we decided to go. we got to the park just as it opened on the day we were flying back to san diego.
the park was more than any of us expected - in a good way. the shows were entertaining and with over 2,700 alligators (that's what the lady at the ticket counter told me), we would have to be blind not to see one. she was right. they were EVERYWHERE - little ones, middle sized ones and humungous ones! scout got to ride a little red train around the park and finn got a chance to sit on an alligator - something he will certainly share with his kindergarten classmates. before we headed to the airport, we grabbed lunch there and sampled gator. yes, it tasted like chicken...just a little more chewy. finn loved it.
if you haven't gone to gatorland yet, ya'll need to go and check it out the next time you are in orlando.
i just had to use my ol' southern speak for fun. {i don't think i've said ya'll in over 15 years].

the park's signage made me chuckle (below)
a much happier scout, moments after being bitten on the finger by a rooster
while trying to feed the deer. it happened so quick - the rooster came out of nowhere. he was ok, more frightened then hurt.
we did all the cheesy touristy things *smile*
finn's biggest adventure of the day (and my most terrifying)
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.