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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

down with diets

i've been on a diet for two weeks and all i've lost is fourteen days.
- totie fields


the quote and veggie image was so so cute - i just had to post tonight.
i have to admit, i have NEVER been on a diet in my entire life.

the reasons are twofold:
1. i've always been very active so weight gain wasn't an issue and
2. i don't really believe in dieting in the sense that a temporary change
is going to bring any real and lasting results.

after seeing my mom try so many fad diets growing up,
i just became turned off by them.
(the craziest diet she tried was the cabbage soup one - yuck)
in my 20s and up until my mid 30s,
i could eat whatever i wanted without worrying about my weight.
this is no longer the case.

since i've been 'flirting with 40', my metabolism isn't what it used to be, and more importantly,
i'm not as active as i once was.
since having child #2, i am busier than i've ever been in my life.

between my workload being fuller than it's ever been,
a second child and now a school-aged child with more activities for him and for us (parents),
there are just alot more balls to juggle. exercising every day is not at the top of my priority list.
i still exercise, but just 2-3 days a week.

with that said, i realized if i'm not going to exercise more, my diet has to change.
i can't eat whatever i want anymore - well not without consequences. *smile*

after being inspired by a friend jessica who did a 21 day no carb, sugar OR caffeine challenge,
WOW!! that is true dedication and willpower.
i wanted to try something a little less demanding to help me rethink how i eat and snack,
and after sharing jessica's 21 day challenge with my coworker, we chose to do a
'7 day challenge' - this seemed more doable.

we started last sunday and will end this sunday *cheer*.
we aren't using the word 'diet' though.
we've chosen the word 'detox' as it seemed less bleak.

today is the 4th day so i'm over the hump now, but admit, it hasn't been easy.
i've been unable to eat pancakes, carrot bread, any of the cupcakes i made for jen,
pasta, bread, cereal, oatmeal, pizza, sushi, big fat cookies that a vendor brought in to
the office today, and the list goes on.

i am living on boiled eggs, salads, veggies, tuna and lean meat (chicken and fish).
it's all great food, but i'm already tired of it and just craving sugar.
i keep telling myself this is a short amount of time in the big picture and to just hang in there -
i will survive.

i'm already thinking about a creamy latte from starbucks and todd and heather's wedding cake.
yes, it's pathetic i know but that's what deprivation does to me. *laugh*

today's word of the day: WILLPOWER
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.