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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

rain rain come now

let the rain kiss you. let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. let the rain sing you a lullaby. - langston hughes i just love the rain - i really really do! my coworker thinks i'm crazy when i say this. i've told her how i miss rain and my wish for it to rain more here in san diego. you see, san diegans aren't use to rain because we hardly EVER get it. we get a little more rain than the deserts of arizona. it's easy to forget this because, as a coastal city, there's a little moisture in the area and it's alot more green. so cal's rainy season (if you can call it that) is over the winter months and oh, i just love this time - even though my hair doesn't. it gets even more frizzy and big, but it's good for my skin and it's good for my mental health. i know rain can make some people depressed, but because it's so rare here, it's a treat for me. i love the smell of it and even the sound of it hitting the rooftop and the pavement. year's back i met a guy who's wife was from florida and he told me his wife actually set their sprinklers to come on in the wee hours of the morning to partially spray on the side of their home so she could hear the sound of water on her bedroom window and be reminded of her home in the south. i thought that was crazy but funny. i haven't gone that far... yet! besides my family and dear childhood friends, the the biggest thing i miss about florida is the rain (and the warm ocean water). i don't miss the humidity and bugs that come with it, but i do miss those heavy downpours. i have so many memories surrounding rain - especially from my childhood. i met my best friend while playing in the rain when i was 7 or 8 years old. my family was driving home from somewhere and had all the kids packed into the stationwagon. we drove by 6 kids playing in the rain outside the home that had recently had a 'for rent' sign on it. i knew they must be the 'new family' and i had to get out there to meet them. when we got home, i jumped into my rainboots and jacket and within an hour or two, i had made a new friend - my lifetime friend robin. it's been unusually dry in southern ca over the last several years and it's rained even less. whether it's man made or global warming, i just am hoping for more rain this winter! until then, i may get lucky and get a rainstorm during my upcoming trip to florida in two weeks. i will just hope it won't come while i'm driving or more importantly, on my brother's wedding day!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.