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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

love languages

i just finished a fantastic book that a girlfriend recommended to me called the five love languages,
written by gary chapman. apparently it's been out for years but i had never heard of it. i expressed my desire to christopher that we both read it and he agreed to it. he read it in a few days and i just finished it. WOW!

 it made me think about love in a way i never had before. in a nutshell, the author believes in order to truly show love to someone, we need to know what their 'love language' is. most often, we love people in 'our language' and rarely are they the same. he notes there are thousands of ways to show love but believes there are only five love languages. these are:

1. words of affirmation
2. tokens of appreciation (gifts)
3. acts of service
4. quality time
5. physical touch

after reading this book all the way through, i realize my love language is quality time.
gifts aren't really important to me and though i enjoy acts of service and the other languages,
*quality time* is by far my main love language. since our time together is less frequent since we've had children, i realize that's what i need more than anything.

when my mom was visiting, c and i were able to get a night away together. the timing couldn't have been better. he had just finished reading the book and said "we need to do this more - at least a few times a year." it was like a light went on and he realized how important it was. he understood that quality time was my main love language. i think i know c's love language (it's different than mine), but i'll know for sure tonight.

we're going to discuss the book and do the little quiz in the back of the book. i'm looking forward to it. this book has opened my eyes to so much. not only how to express love to c and the boys, but also to my extended family and friends. i recommend this book to anyone. it's enlightening!

on the subject of love, i have some very happy news.  
my brother todd got engaged to his sweetheart heather this past week in paris!!
he proposed in such a romantic way too.

when he shares photos, i'll be sure to post one or two and share the story.
the picture above reminded me of the text message i received from him just before he went on his trip. knowing that he was going with heather, i asked if it was going to be significant in any way.
he responded with a text message that said 'love is in the air...'
(i had a hunch he'd come back with a fiance) *wink*

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.