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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

to clean or not to clean

most couples have not had hundreds of arguments; 
they've had the same argument hundreds of times.
- gay hendricks

i came across this quote a while back and jotted it down because it's SO true.
i think any couple who's been together for any amount of time, would agree.
i dug it up for today's post because my morning was the perfect example of this.
c and i spent the morning arguing about how to spend the day.

we have company coming for the majority of april {grandma first and arriving in 2 days}.
i wanted us to spend a few hours getting caught up on house chores that we've neglected
over the past several weeks.  he wanted to go to the beach or play tennis - not spend a few
hours of his day cleaning.

he detests cleaning and frankly, i do too.
i mean who *likes* to spend their free time cleaning??!!
regardless, it has to get done.

in the end we did get a portion of our cleaning done, but there is still more to be done.  

c and i discussed getting a maid - at least once or twice a month for the deep cleaning.
as working parents of two young boys, it would be a wise investment if it will make our
weekends more enjoyable and free up more time. we agreed neither of us want to revisit
this again. i should note, pre-kids this was never an issue.

looking forward to the day the boys can help with this


beside the cleaning topic, we had a nice and full weekend.
we managed to get to finn's soccer game this afternoon and auntie jen was there to cheer him on.
she thought his 'pose' after his one and only goal today was the best part.

if only i would have caught it on film!

on friday night, finn had his outdoor movie night with about 15 kids over form the neighborhood.
they watched the classic chitty chitty bang bang and chomped on popcorn and girl scout cookies
(no, not the thin mints). they had a great time.

on saturday night, c and i both got a few hours of tennis in,
and that evening we celebrated our friend bonnie's birthday with our long-time pb friends.
beautiful bonnie's 30-somethin' birthday celebration

oh i almost forgot, we received the official letter from explorer elementary letting us know finn is in!
it's starting to feel a little more real - a mom of a school aged kid - crazy!!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.