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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

christmas wish list: 2013

before christmas comes and goes,
i want to be sure to record what was on the boys' 'wish list' this year.
looking back years from now, i want to remember what the boys enjoyed.

their lists were made about 3 months ago {literally},
and i put them away in a safe place, so safe i can no longer find them.
i remember theem well though as they only had 3 things on each of them:
various forms of lego sets,  specific books, and scout asked for card pack 2
from the 39 clues series. easy peasy.

one thing that was listed wasn't so easy.
ever since the curiosity landed on mars, finn has been consumed with
space, mars and rovers.  he spends hours drawing/designing, building and reading
anything that has to do with space, so i wasn't surprised he asked for this lego set.

it has a pretty big sticker price, and since his father recently picked up another
lego mindstorm {used from craig's list}, i don't think santa will be bringing this
to the house this year.  still, he should have plenty of new things to build.

i was really looking forward to finn opening this harry potter boxed set
that is being sent to him as a gift, but after our roadtrip to tucson a few weeks ago,
he may not have any to read. {he's on book 4 already}.
i've never seen him so excited about reading fiction.

though i'm sure he will finish book 4 on his roadtrip to utah this weekend,
school is closed after tomorrow through new years so he won't be able to
check out anymore. just a few more days... 

scout still LOVES to read, so he had lots of books on his wish list.
he isn't reading HP likes his brother right now. after the first book,
he was digging around our home library and discovered the hobbit.
he devoured it last week and asked to continue with the lord of the
rings books, which he also found in our little library.

i'm trying to determine if they are appropriate. {he's only 6}
c thinks it's fine....that scout's imagination won't create anything as
scary or dark as hollywood creates. that's for sure, but still, i've been
soliciting advice from teachers, family members and friends who've read
the books just to get other opinions.

ideally i should read the book first or read with him,
but i wasn't a huge fan of the movies and i'd much rather read what
i'm supposed to read for my book group or one of the hundreds of books
on my list. if only there were more hours in a day! 

he's got the roadtrip tomorrow and will want to bring it so a decision has to
be made soon.  =/

well it's late and i still have to pack lunches for the boys, finish packing
their bags and snowgear and i really need to find a photo for our holiday card.
we're behind this year {again}, so it looks lke we will be doing a new year's card.
i'm taking off much of next week so i will have a nice window to get them done.

~ i'm enjoying all the sweet holiday cards that are coming in. it's such a treat every
year to see photos and read letters about what everyone has been doing. 
i just love holiday cards!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.