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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, January 27, 2012

it's great to be eight

finn oliver gerber is 8 today,
and as my little tradition goes,
i do a tribute post on the boys' birthdays.

so tonight, i am listing 8 things that i want to remember
about our first born at this time of his life.

1. he is a cuddle bug 
even though he is a big 2nd grader,
he still loves to hold my hand and kiss me goodbye before i leave for work.
nights are when he turns into a real cuddler,
asking for a backrub and song before bed.
you are my sunshine is still his favorite.

2. he loves science
if you are a follower of my blog, you know this already.
he often reminds us that science is his "passion".
his preference to watch nova science now over cartoons says it all.

3. he is a rule follower
he not only follows rules but he understands why there are rules in place.
whether it's deep understanding - way beyond his years, i'm just not sure.
i can just say that it's made things easier for his parents, nannies and babysitters.

he won't hesitate to call out kids {or adults} who aren't following rules.
example: he recently told a mom, who was driving him somewhere on a class field trip,
that she was going over the speed limit.  she told me laughing but admittingly said
"i was, and finn kept me in line".  this is something i love about finn.
he keeps c and i on our toes and reminds us that little eyes are always watching.

4. he loves movie nights
friday nights are typically our family 'movie nights'.
finn loves these gatherings and no matter how large of a dinner we eat,
finn always insists we have popcorn
{without it, he says it's not just a 'real' movie night}

5. he enjoys playing the piano
he's been in lessons for 4 months now and has performed in his first recital.
so far, he seems to enjoy playing and only groans on occasion about practicing.
the rest of the household is enjoying the music he brings into our home.

6. he is outgoing
finn loves life and loves people.  after having a long talk with grammy barby,
he started upstairs for bed and stopped and said "i love to talk. i'm not sure why.
i think it's because there are SO many interesting things to talk about."

7. he reads for pleasure
it took until this past year, but now he enjoys reading for fun!  
for c and i, it's been a joy to see him reach this milestone.
he loves to visit his school and community libraries.
beyond science-related books, he is especially into the magic treehouse series.

8. he is a great big brother 
sure he fights with scout from time to time, but more often than not,
he is sitting right next to his little brother playing with him.
{i used to think this was normal for brothers at this age,
but i've since learned that it isn't always the case}.
it makes my heart happy they are besties...for now at least.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.