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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, January 2, 2012

ring in the new

youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on new year’s eve. 
middle age is when you’re forced to.
- bill vaughan

it's official peeps 2012.
are you ready for it?
i'm not exactly sure what i meant by that.
it just sounded exciting - the possibilities!

today's quote seemed appropriate because staying up late isn't easy for this momma
and since having kids, it sometimes on new year's eve it feels  'forced'.
shhh, don't tell anyone.

in my pre-kid days, i never felt that way.
i would look forward to the huge themed parties our 'pb' group would host/organize.
and it wasn't just on new years. i was able to stay up late all the time and get up early the
next morning and run for miles or even snowboard all day.
i was in my 20s then - young and at my peek fitness level.*sigh*

at 40, this body can no longer do that (i've tried}
i'm usually in bed by 10pm and up by 6am nearly every day.

it's no surprise that by 11:30pm, even in a house full of excitement, i was starting to fade.
luckily, someone turned up the tunes and the little people,
all hyped up on sugar, started dancing/wrestling in the hostess' living room.

this was enough to keep me laughing until the magic hour of midnight.
much to my surprise, finn and scoutie made it too {they are usually asleep by 8:30pm}
no more than 2 minutes after their heads hit the pillows, they were out.

the battery on my cheap point and shoot ran out so i captured
this blurry scene of some of the boys being silly
{and if you were wondering, the hosts permitted the boys to jump all over their furniture}

we all slept in until 9am on sunday morning {a record in our family}.

while so many spent this weekend taking down their tree,
did the gerber clan?  um, that would be a no.
who wanted to work the first day of the new year *grin*

per c's suggestion, we spent our first day of 2012 doing what we enjoy most,
getting mexican take-out and relaxing on the beach. we chose windandsea.
c wasn't actually relaxing - he was catching waves, but i was enjoying this book,
and the gerblets ran around in the sand and jumped off rocks.

{we hope to get to the tree/decor later this week}

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.