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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

little mr. roo

little mr. roo
let the stars shine over you.
don't grow up too fast, too soon
save some time for dreaming
- carly simon, winnie the pooh's heffalump movie

a few days ago,
after homework, piano practice and dinner was out of the way,
the boys and i sat down to watch a movie together.

we dug through our drawer of dvds,
and i came across winnie the pooh's heffalump movie.
it had been a few years since any of us had seen it,
it had been a favorite of ours when finn was a preschooler.

we were all quick to agree that this would be our movie.
scoutie was especially excited to see it,
as he wasn't old enough to remember watching it.

the movie is wonderful on so many levels.
it's about friendship and tolerance and love,
and the lesson learned is taught by the youngest characters in the story -
roo (the kangaroo) and his new friend lumpy (a purple elephant).

not only is the story-line great,
the soundtrack is wonderful as well.
it's full of music by carly simon.
do you remember her from the 1970s?
{i vaguely do, but i know my older sister valerie was a big fan}

there is one song that never fails to make me teary-eyed.
it's called little mr. roo 
the first time c and i watched this,
it reminded us of our finn.

roo is young, full of life and wants so badly to be big.
his mother, kanga, {like me}, knows it comes too quick already,
and urges him to take his time.

if you have just 2 minutes today,
watch this clip and listen.

if you are a mother to a child of any age,
it will probably strike a chord with you
{if your eyes get moist, you've been warned}

if you are looking for a sweet and fun family movie,
i can't recommend this one enough.
it will fill your home with laughter and warmth.

~ i cheated tonight.
this post was a draft i had saved and forgot to post.
it's been a long day and i'm tired.

i spent the afternoon at bonnie's baby shower while the
boys spent time with maddy. i think we all had an equally
good time. {a big thx to m}

i need to be up early tomorrow morning and ready to fill
c's morning routine, so on to bed i go.  goodnite.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.