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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

kindergarten calls

today was the day - the day finn started 'big school'.
i'm happy to report there were no tears - and i mean from me! *laugh*
i knew finn would have no problems, but i wasn't sure how i would do.
some girlfriends had warned me that i should be prepared for the worst -
to bring lots of kleenex because it can be very emotional and bring tears.
it was emotional for me - but not in that way.

i found myself just really excited - almost giddy.
i might have felt different had he never been to preschool,
or if i was home with him all day, but since this wasn't our situation,
it was simply exhilarating.
now i can't say i'll feel the same way the first day i drop off
scoutie at kindergarten since he's our last.
but that's still a few years away. *sigh*

the morning of, we had a nice breakfast together then all of us (scout included),
took finn to school and walked to room number 3, finn's classroom.
we greeted his teacher, ms hawke, and said hi to the parents and kids we knew,
then finn took off to a table crowded with kids playing with legos.

if c and i had walked out the door right then,
i don't think he would have noticed.
we had to call him over for a quick kiss and goodbye hug.
he said "bye mom and dad", turned around and didn't look back.
it was almost too easy. his confidence is such a wonderful thing to see
it's one of his best traits and one i hope doesn't ever go away.

today is a beginning for finn, but at the same time, an ending for us.
our 5 yr old is entering a new phase and more of his time will be taken
up with school activities and new friends.

even though we will be central to his life,
we will slowly stop being the center of his life.
luckily it doesn't happen overnight. as bittersweet as this is,
i will enjoy this next phase of our life together.

finn's first day of kindergarten

pretty sunflower mural hanging in the hall
(painted by explorer kids)


finn 'signs in' every morning finding his namecard and
placing it in a plastic sleeve alongside his classmates


i should mention that christopher is in minnesota for a few days and i'm doing the 'morning routine'.
luckily, some moms are helping me by picking up finn in the afternoon, so that's one less thing to coordinate.

i don't know how c does it every morning. he's told me once he "runs a tight ship" and he wasn't kidding!! somehow he gets up at 6:30am every morning and in one (1 hour), has both boys dressed
(always before breakfast), fed, teeth brushed, himself dressed and they are out the door at 7:30am.

he drops off scoutie at preschool and then takes finn to school. i'm guessing there's no time for starbucks anymore - a good thing since scout can already identify their logo and asks to go everytime we drive by our neighborhood shop.
the morning schedule is a bit too much for me so i'm feeling rather grateful and fortunate tonight for a hubby who is so very hands on. since my job is full of deadlines, i wouldn't do well with stress in the mornings before i got to work. i feel pretty lucky to have the arrangement we have.

c, i'm missing you - come home soon if you are reading. xo
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.