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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a little bedtalk

bunk beds have been the subject of conversation in our family for the past week.
what did you think i was going to write about? you should know my posts are g-rated.

for the past six months, c has been talking about purchasing a bunk bed so the boys
can share a room. i told him we'd revisit the topic when scout got closer to his 2nd birthday
(he was only 18 months at the time). i reminded him that i was going to let my last baby
enjoy his crib until he was at least 2.

finn made the transition from big boy bed to crib at 2 and it worked out well. he knew this.
now that scoutie's 2nd birthday is just around the corner, c's started to talk 'beds' again.

since the bedrooms in our home are small and the ceilings are low,
i suggested we get a trundle so we could just pull out the bottom bed
for scoutie when he sleeps, but that didn't go over well.

c and finn have their minds set on a bunk bed. i suggested ikea.
their furniture is inexpensive, durable enough and we generally can find something with clean lines
that we both can agree on. after looking at their selection,
we were disappointed to learn they had nothing more than the typical wood-slated beds -
nothing remotely unique. i would have settled for one anyway, but c wouldn't.

he started talking about building one, but i steered him away from that idea.
i'd rather have his time on the weekends then have him spend a whole weekend (my guestimate)
building a cool bunk bed. he's currently researching bunk beds on-line so who knows.
so far he's found several that he loves.

he shared these with me. i love them all too, but our budget doesn't love them.
here are a few pictures of some very cool and well-designed bunk beds out there.
some start around $1,200 and can go up to $3,500+.

i always hear from architects and designers that good design costs,
and this was an example for me. ouch!!
i guess there is a market out there for these beds,
but we certainly don't know many of those families.
we know plenty who'd want them though.
i should note that all or most of these beds are designed by italians.

it's too bad there aren't more affordable modern bunks out there designed by americans.
if you see any that are ubercool and affordable, please share with me!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.