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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


on friday a girlfriend of mine downsized - not in home or vehicle size,
she had a breast reduction. i don't hear of these quite as often as the other. 

she mentioned wanting one years ago and after giving birth to her son a few years ago,
and she decided it was time. while hanging out at the pool a few weeks ago,
she was telling us girls that she could hardly wait.

she was looking forward to not having back pain, jogging, wearing clothes she's never been able to,etc.
all the while, i'm thinking, gosh could your surgeon save what she takes out for me!
i'd love to be a size bigger - well actually i'd just love to be firmer. *grin*
after breastfeeding two kids and just getting older, well, you ladies know.

i was never 'blessed' to know what it is like to be voluptuous -
i have always just been average.
funny because my friend would be very happy to be just 'average'.
i've never been an advocate of cosmetic surgery.
i guess i always thought we should be happy with what we were born with.

if someone was disfigured or in pain of course,
those are where i would make exceptions.
but for vanity alone, i thought it was a bit ridiculous.
that's me - i'm a natural girl in most everything.
i'll take jeans and a tee over a cocktail dress,
a cozy cafe to a 5-star restaurant and
being outdoors to spending a day in the mall.

so confessing that i might consider a little cosmetic help in this department a few years
from now is strange even to me. maybe a little lift or a some density to my 34Bs?
as i get older, my perspective has changed.

for now, i just cheer my girlfriend for doing something for her -
something that she really wanted.
i look forward to seeing her new makeover in a few weeks after she's healed.
without the burden of big boobies, who knows, maybe she will join me for a morning jog
on the beach this summer. *wink*
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.