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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

keep running

i'll keep running because it gives me a legitimate excuse for looking in the neighbor's windows at night.
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i saw this text printed in an old copy of a real simple magazine i picked up at the cabin last weekend.
my wonderful s-i-l let me take it with me for my long roadtrip home.

the text is SO me and made me laugh outloud.
i am guilty of looking into homes during my runs.
the homes on the boardwalk are built so close to the path,
it's almost impossible not to look.

it really helps to keep my long runs interesting,
i get to see everything from simple beach cottages to
huge modern mansions and everything in between.
the people hanging out inside are just as interesting as well. :)

oh how i love running!  it's one of those activities that i consider perfect.
it requires no equipment - other than a pair of shorts and tennis shoes,
and even shoes aren't a requirement for some extreme runners.
some run marathons without them.
for most though, shoes are a must and well, maybe a good jog bra.

anyway, my point is running is EASY, and easy is good.
i woke up today with one thing on my mind.
i wanted (needed) to do a really challenging run.

since saturday mornings are christopher's tennis mornings and i've got the boys,
i was out the door by 7:15am and home in an hour.
i ran the fanuel street hill which starts just a block away.
it's a long steep grade and yes, it hurt and i may walk funny tomorrow,
but i feel great right now.

i really need to do this hill at least 2x a week so I can prepare for this upcoming
mud run at the end of the month. i'm excited about it.
it will be really strenuous for me i know and i will get filthy, but that's part of the fun.
what other time in my adult life can can i be covered in mud and it be ok?

i was just thinking this would be a fun race to do with my brother todd or my s-i-l shannon.
maybe next year i can convince them to come out to do it....

i'll try to dig up a pix of my sister jen doing it last year and post.
she had so much fun and inspired me to try it this year.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.