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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, March 9, 2009

it's official

i am a soccer mom.
at least i think i am since i'll be joining scores of other moms (and dads) for a portion of the weekend watching their child kick a black and white ball around.

i don't quite fit wikipedia's definition:
the phrase soccer mom broadly refers to a middle-class suburban woman who spends a significant amount of her time transporting her school-age children to activities such as soccer practice and music lessons.

no mini van or suv for me or in my future, i don' t live in surburbia, and at least for now,
i'm not spending a significant amount of my time playing taxi as the boys are young yet.
i'm putting that off as long as i can.

still, our finn IS playing soccer - his first real team sport.
he's playing with the Pacific Youth Soccer League and their games are held in a field just a few blocks away every sunday afternoon. since this is a small community, finn knows alot of the kids from somewhere or another. the kids range in age from 4-6, call themselves the green goblins, and wear adorable uniforms that could pass as dresses on most of them. coach michelle is amazing and lucky for us, she lives 2 doors down from us so we can get private lessons whenever she's working with her daughter mia who is on finn's team.

this past sunday was his first game and for most of the first half, the kids had no clue what they were doing. they'd kick the ball towards the wrong goal, never look up to see where they were on the field and they'd ALL swarm after the ball trying to get a piece of it. it was comical to say the least. i admit, our little finn was part of these clueless kids, but things turned around after the half. with some coaching from michelle and several reminders where his team's goal was from daddy and i, he started to get it. he even scored a goal (i should note that at this level, there aren't any goalies).

still, we were SO excited.
you'd think he'd won a gold medal at the olympics if you were watching christopher and i celebrating.
we are both pretty competitive so that side of us came out - ha.
finn is certainly not the biggest or best player out there, but he's got a style all his own and plays lots of heart.

i think i'm going to enjoy this soccer mom thing.

finn showing his moves


patiently waiting for the coach to blow his whistle

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.