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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

how can i resist ya?

mamma mia, here i go again
my my, how can i resist ya?
mamma mia, does it show again?
my my, just how much i've missed ya
- lyrics from mamma mia

if you've been reading my posts, you probably know i love music, and yes musicals too.
mamma mia is one of my favorites. last night i had a bunch of girlfriends over to watch this movie outside.
it was a cooler night than usual (upper 50s), but since it was planned as an 'outdoor movie night',
i wasn't about to bring it indoors. there's just something more exciting about watching a movie outdoors.

so the girls dressed warm, bundled up with blankets and we sat out under the stars drinking sangria and munching on popcorn and candy. it was a fun evening and a big thanks goes out to all the ladies who showed up with wine, food and chocolate. oh, and i can't forget the av guy (christopher) who got us up and running - thanks love. i'm already looking forward to our next movie night, but first things first, i've promised finn he could have a kid's movie night next.
i received this adorable baby announcement from an old friend jessica. she welcomed a little girl into her world a few months ago. jess was the photographer and the designer of this lovely card - such talent and such a pretty little girl too. i hope to meet ella when i'm back in florida visiting.

my sis, leslie shared some beautiful smiley pictures of her 8 week old son, ander. below is just one of them. oh, i must must meet my nephew... and soon! she and i talked a few days ago - about them coming to sd or us taking a trip to the bay area. we need to figure it out - he's growing fast and i want to hold him before he's no longer a baby. i love that she has two boys like me. who knew we'd be a family with so many boys when we come from a family with 5 girls. i love it. i see lots of fun gatherings ahead with our clan. i should mention, leslie has a very cute blogsite. if you want to see more, check it out at

i can't forgot to mention i had the chance to babysit the eichorn twins - kai and katherine two weeks ago. parents, kristi and rich trusted me (i felt truly honored) as i was the first "friend" they've left their babies with. the parents got some much needed couple time and i had a few hours with these sweetie pies who are 4 months old now and growing like weeds. kai is 10 lbs now and katherine is up to 7 lbs. it's hard to believe they started off so tiny. i look forward to watching them again - and soon. wish i had a an image to picture to post of them.

these are some of the things i can't resist right now.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.