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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, August 6, 2012


i hope you had a wonderful weekend.
and squeezed in some time for a little rest and relaxation.
{and maybe some olympic watching too}

i spent saturday morning with my girlfriends and their children
{including sophie, charlotte's furry child whom we all adore}.
though sophie isn't growing, the kids are getting SO big.
it's a reminder of just how quickly time goes.
miss maya will be taller than me in another year or two i'm sure.

the first time i met her mother cathi, it was over breakfast at our first book club.
she was pregnant with her now 8 year old maya.
six months later, i was pregnant with finn.
now shannon, the youngest of us all, is a mom to a sweet baby boy, sidney.

it's been a wonderful 8 years with these ladies.
we've shared so much - you name it, we've shared it.
we're thick as thieves and we'll be friends when it's time for us to send our kids off to college.
as finn tells me, it's a long ways away mom.
{do i dare tell him it comes in the blink of an eye...for parents that is}

here's a sweet picture i snapped of our fab five

from left: lia (6), maya (8), sidney (3.5 months) finn (8) + scout (5)

as for our family fun day,
we jumped on the trolley sunday and took it west to san diego state's campus!
if the boys had their way, we would have taken the south train to the border,
walked across to mexico, and had chips and guacamole at a restaurant somewhere

c and i didn't want to be gone all day, so we opted for a destination here in the san diego.
when we reminded the boys we were taking the trolley east and it would go through a tunnel,
they quickly forgot mexico.

we had no set plans.
we jumped off at the campus and walked around a bit since none of us were familiar with it.
and noticed a few incoming freshman with their parents.  they were so cute and looked so young.
it was a great opportunity to talk a little bit about college with finn.

he matter of factly said he wasn't sure exactly what he wanted to study,
but "it's between robotics or engineering of some type".
{i'm recording this because i can't wait to look back to in 12 years}.

we spent a few hours walking around the campus, eating lunch out and
then riding the trolley home.  scout, fell asleep on our way home. 
i hope he can make it through a full day of kindergarten without needing a nap. 
it's just 3 weeks away...

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.