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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

a powerful play

c and i had a date night last night,
it was much needed.
we were long over due.

we enjoyed a delicious dinner at jai
and afterwards, walked next door to
to see american night: the ballad of juan jose,
the final play of the season at the la jolla playhouse.

oh and what a way to end the season. 
i'm still on a bit of a high from it.

of all the performances this season, last night's was my favorite!
actually it was both our favorites, a rarity when it comes to theater.
{i usually prefer the musical of the season and c an edgy drama}.

i'm tired and fear i can't give this show justice by trying to describe it,
so here is a recent article that discusses the show the and the talented
{and san diego native} rene millan, who plays the main character, juan jose.

there are so many elements within the play that i loved,
but one pops into my mind right now that i'll share.

it's the opening scene of the show.
the audience sees juan jose walking at sunset with a beautiful desert image in the background.
in the foreground, a man and woman are playing guitars and singing a beautiful mexican song.

the set design is simple - but it has enough.
there is nothing to distract.
all we see is a handsome young man walking
and these words scroll across the screen:

my hope is that when you see a man,
you don't see a man who walked over the line,
but simply see a man.

this show will stay with me a very long time.

if you live in san diego and have been wanting to see a play for a long
time and just didn't know what to see or simply haven't gotten around to it,
this is one that is worth seeing before it leaves. 

i found it worth every penny.

~ as for that house we looked at the other morning here in point loma.
it was priced right at $525K,  fair for coastal san diego, but it too needed
a good $100K worth of work and it was too close to the flight path.
{we are already in the flight path and learned we don't want our next home to be.}
somewhere out there....

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.