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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

christmas day 2010

christmas waves a magic wand over this world,
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. 
~norman vincent peale

the entire household was awaken at 6:30am.
with the excitement of two little boys on christmas morning.

trying to bide some time to lay in bed just a few more minutes,
i agreed to let them go downstairs to see if santa came.
they were right back upstairs announcing Santa DID come.

he left presents and ate the chocolate chip cookies we left.
the reindeer even ate the carrots we left too.
(auntie jen was up before the boys just to make sure)

i dressed quickly, wiped the crust out of my eyes and stumbled downstairs.
i made sure to find my camera before the chaos ensued. 

christopher and auntie jen were already downstairs and c made sure they
ate a quick bowl of cereal knowing they wouldn't be able to get them to
even consider food later in the day. they would be much too busy.


after they ate, we gave the 'ok' and the present opening began.
though scoutie knows and recognizes all the letters in his name (and alphabet),
he didn't understand the concept of opening presents that ONLY had
his name on them.

he simply grabbed any gift and started opening it. he opened a gift for finn,
for me and started to open one for jen just as i noticed and reminded him
that gift was for his auntie. he responded saying "i know, i was just helping." *grin* .

after opening presents and watching the boy's heads spin with excitement from
their gifts, jen and i chatted with mom and dad via skype for a quite a while.
(oh how i love skype - i almost feel like i'm right there with my loved ones)
later i skyped with my dear friend jen bennett.  she recently gave birth to
her second son, george, born december 6th.  what better gift could a
family ask for than a new baby?  here is a pix of jen's sweet boys.

bennett boys: keith and george

here is finn telling us about the present he received from santa: lego mindstorms.
after 2 years of asking, santa finally felt he was ready for it. *grin*

i know two little boys who went to bed exhausted and with smiles on their faces.
i hope you had a wonderful and magical christmas too.


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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.