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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, December 13, 2010

i believe

if this court finds that mr. kringle is not who he says he is, that there is no Santa,
i ask the court to judge which is worse: a lie that draws a smile or a truth that draws a tear.

bryan bedford, defense attorney for kris kringle
miracle on 34th street, (1997)

over the last 2 months, there has been some doubt in finn's mind
as to whether santa claus is real. already at just 6 years old!
when he shared this with me, my heart sunk.

to me, believing in the santa and all the magic that surrounds it
is part of what makes christmas so special for children and for parents.
santa reminds us all to believe in miracles and to have hope.
it makes me sad to learn parents tell their children early on there is no santa.
the window they believe is already so small...
why not let the magic last a little while.

so when letters arrived from santa in the mail this past weekend to both finn and scout,
the timing couldn't have been more perfect.  it was as if santa knew finn was doubting.*wink*
they were mailed from the north pole and had information that was specific to each of the boys.
i read finn his letter and showed him santa's authentic signature, then i read scoutie his letter
which scout had little interest in. i could tell finn wanted to believe...

earlier in the week, i was thinking of the movie that inspired me to believe,
probably long after i should have. it was the classic miracle on 34th street.
oh how i loved (and still love) this movie! i remembered there was a remake
some years ago and mentioned it to my dad. i shared my plan of showing to finn
in hopes it will help him believe. he said the remake would work best.

so on friday night, auntie jen joined us on the couch for a movie night and we watched
the new miracle on 34th street.  we all enjoyed the beautiful story and i watched finn in
awe of the citizens of nyc - standing behind kris when he was on trial. he loved how the
the people of nyc posted signs all over the city that said 'i believe'.

when the judge slammed his gavel down on his desk and dismissed the charges against kris,
that sealed the deal. finn was convinced. we all cheered.

then finn turned to me and said "i believe."

i smiled and hugged him tight - so happy this movie was enough to help keep the magic alive.
at least for this year. *wink*
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.